8 Apr 2013

HTC M4: analog HTC First Home without Facebook?

Recently was the announcement of the smartphone HTC First, which will be pre-installed software platform Facebook Home. We now know that there will be an analogue of the device, but without Facebook Home - model HTC M4. This is also a low-cost solution with features like HTC First.
Thus, the model HTC M4 is equipped with 4.3-inch touch screen with a resolution of 720p, based on a dual-core Qualcomm Snapdragon processor, 400, equipped with 1 GB RAM and 16 GB of flash memory. The front facing camera in HTC M4 - 1,6-megapixel, like HTC First, but the main is unknown resolution and technology UltraPixel (recall, the HTC First 5-megapixel camera). While nothing is known about when the HTC M4 will be sold. Most likely, the smartphone comes with OS Android Jelly Bean.

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