17 Oct 2012

Chance for a free Xperia™ Tablet S if you add Small App support

App developer? Today we’re kicking off a campaign in search of great Small Apps, and in return we will hand out an Xperia™ Tablet S for free to the developer of the app we like the most. Small Apps is a new multi-tasking functionality available on the new Xperia Tablet S, and a Small App can run on top of any other activity or be minimised to the edge for quick access.  This enables true multi-tasking! And with the new Small App SDK you can easily extend your app to include the Small App functionality, which will help you gain visibility for your app. Read on for the details on how to get the chance to receive a free Xperia™ Tablet S!

To have the chance to receive an Xperia™ Tablet S, you must create and upload a Small App to Google Play, and tell us about it, before the end of November. Based on the quality of the apps submitted, we will choose one app developer who will receive an Xperia™ Tablet S, as well as some promotion on Developer World. Take this opportunity to extend your app with a Small App, or develop a Small App from scratch, and let us know about it in the Small Apps survey!

Add multi-tasking functionality and gain visibility for your app
By supporting our multi-tasking experience through Small Apps, you will gain visibility for your app since it will show up in a predefined search on Google Play. This search is easily available from the Small App launcher in the system bar of for Sony Xperia™ Tablet S.

You can add support for multi-tasking through Small Apps in different ways:
Extend your existing app with a Small App in the same APK. In a short while, we will publish a tutorial about how to do this on Developer World. Stay tuned!

Develop a stand-alone Small App. All you need to know is included in the Small App SDK.

Adapt your existing widget to the Small App framework. Since the UI and graphics of a widget is already optimised for a small format, important parts of it can often be reused when developing a Small App.
No matter what option you choose, the Small App API lets you use almost the same functionality as a normal Android™ activity in your Small App. There are several benefits in creating a Small App compared to a widget. Unlike a widget, a Small App can handle all types of input events, such as text input and pinch to zoom. You can also design your Small App with a custom background, title and size. All of this while staying on top of other activities for a true multi-tasking experience!

The Small App SDK includes Eclipse add-ons, a developer guide, and a basic code example to help you get started. It also includes an emulator for easy testing of your Small App even if you don’t own an Xperia™ Tablet S. Read more about the benefits of a Small App on the Small App SDK tool guide page!
Sign up for the chance to get a free Xperia™ Tablet S
Once you have Small App support, all you have to do is tell us about it in our Small App survey before November 30th, for the opportunity to get a free Xperia™ Tablet S. Don’t forget to include the link to your Small App on Google Play.
So, are you up for the challenge? Stay tuned to Developer World, as we have more information about developing Small Apps coming. And if you have any questions, just drop us a line in the comments!

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