9 Apr 2013

Huawei released its audited financial results of operations for the year 2012

The company Huawei has published its audited financial results of operations for 2012. As stated in the company, its business has shown steady growth, sales amounted to 220.19 billion yuan, net profit of 15.38 billion yuan. In the next five years, the company anticipates annual growth rate of 10%.

The three main divisions of Huawei demonstrated steady growth of the business. Division operator solutions holds leading positions, had sales of 160.1 billion yuan, up 6.7% year-over-year. Business, Enterprise Solutions is growing in the Chinese market, and actively expanding internationally, with sales of 11.5 billion yuan, according to the results, the increase was 25.8%. Sales from consumer decisions reached 48.4 billion yuan (up 8.4%). Rapid economic growth in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (region EMEA) contributed to the increase in sales to 77.4 billion yuan (annual growth - 6.1%). In the Asia-Pacific region, sales reached 37.4 billion yuan (annual growth - 7.2%), North and South America, sales were 31.8 (4.3%). In China, sales were 73.6 billion yuan (growth - 12.2% compared to the result of last year).

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