24 Mar 2013

This is big: Unity coming to Sony consoles this year

Dear Unity developers, community, friends.

In our tireless march towards world domination (okay, perhaps merely game industry domination), we’re proud to announce that we’ve just entered into a strategic partnership with Sony Computer Entertainment to bring out tools for development for every single of SCE’s PlayStation platforms! Of course, we already offer PS3 support and will continue to do so through Unity’s updates. But now we’ll be working with SCE to build out tools for PS4, PS Vita, PSM, and SCE’s upcoming cloud gaming service.

Work is still in early stages so it will be more than a couple of months before we have something for you all to play with, but we’re hitting the ground running in the efforts to give you all more options to publish your awesome games. We’re looking to begin rolling these tools out this fall, though it’s good to keep in mind that the different tools will have different schedules.

Sony Computer Entertainment is really committed to making their platforms approachable to all kinds of developers, so this partnership is going to make a lot of sense for both companies… and a lot of sense for the Unity community! They’re really focused on bringing the most creative studios, with an emphasis on independent developers, on board their platforms and we are leading the charge to make development awesome for studios of all sizes.

Game Developer’s Conference is starting Monday, and we’re all dug in planning our huge presence there, so I’ll keep this short and sweet. But expect more communications about this along the way (this, and all the other stuff we got in the works!)

Lots of love,

David Helgason

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