11 Mar 2013

Come for Zetka in swimsuit

Come and see how and with whom he showers brand new Sony Xperia Z. In addition, you can take this great phone right to carry in your pocket, just one call and two correct answers!

Already this Saturday, the 2nd March 2013 will be 16 hours from the T-Mobile shop in Palladium show what lasts superodolný new Sony Xperia Z. What is you can definitely look forward to? The models (for the ladies we have a model), a lot of water and new Xperia Z, which some of you will carry home. It will show, so be sure to arrive!

For more details, see complete contest rules at http://tmobile.proboston.net/pravidla-palladium/pravidla-souteze.pdf

And if by chance you do not have to travel to Prague, then stay tuned after the weekend on Facebook T-Mobile CZ (www.facebook.com / tmobilecz), where we will compete for another 3 pieces of this handsome.


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