30 Jan 2013

Tablets and smartphones from NVIDIA - a new player in the world market

I was always amazed how often people have limited memory and can not be put in a single chain different events that can be easily explained hindsight and look logical. The world around us is changing, and the wave of change sweeping across every company that operates in the market of high technologies. I was lucky to witness these changes, when the undisputed leader of yesterday become lagging and catching up, and digging up newcomers, names that often do not tell us anything.

Madness of this world is manifested in many ways. Just remember that the sverhuspeshnyh Apple, which is the most valuable company in the sector, has $ 130 billion in the accounts, generates the most money in the history of several quarters in a row, is not good for investors who expect every time she stumbles, and send shares down. Reverse example, when greed same or similar category of investors pushing Nokia shares up as people expect in a casino, hit the jackpot and convince themselves that this is possible, contrary to the market and with common sense.

I chew thoroughly uninteresting events and talk about them in detail, in the form of facts. Always interesting to show the background and reasons that led to the emergence of certain facts. For example, in the article about the results of CES detail on why many companies will present new models are not at the shows. In particular, there is a reference to the fact that in the second half of February, HTC will show its flagship and it is not long before the exhibition in Barcelona. Of course, you could simply write - February 17 at 18 pm in London. But why? No interest in this, it is a fact that detached from the events and of itself has no value. I am interested in the forest than the trees. And I'm interested to talk with someone who is able to see scattered lyrics Easter eggs. At all times, these people were few. The text of the NVIDIA CES Easter eggs scattered abound, but no one could see. It's time to open one of these eggs and talk about a business model that will bring the mobile market a lot. About NVIDIA at CES stuff out there, it says little about the Tegra 4 and Game Console Shield.


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