18 Oct 2012

In disrupting supplies iPhone 5, Foxconn blames complexity of the device

Foxconn is best known as the actual manufacturer of iPhone and other products from Apple. That news related to these devices provide a significant part of an episode for Foxconn. The last of those were strikes and problems with production of iPhone 5. Now, one of the senior representatives of Foxconn told the Wall Street Journal what causes these problems. According to him, the difficulties of one of the largest electronics manufacturers have with the iPhone 5 because of its extreme complexity. The company has never had to deal with not so difficult when assembling the device.

In order to make the device thinner and lighter, Apple went to the complexity of the design, resulting in a Foxconn was unprepared to maintain the required time and quality workmanship. Nevertheless, unnameable spokesman, said that to improve the performance of the assembly already work and progress in this direction there. The company is already working hard to improve the quality control of the products and in the future to cope with satisfaction of requirements for aesthetics and quality. This combines to improve the situation with the poor living conditions of workers and non-use of child labor, insisted on what customers, including Apple, the source did not elaborate.

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