26 Mar 2013

Updated its brand Just5 simple phones with big buttons

Five years ago, the Russian brand Just5 releasing a line of simple phones with big buttons and a striking design. The idea is to not go for improving performance, and ultimately simplify the apparatus. The new generation of phones called CP10s. Exterior phones, created by studio Bestinspace, and their characteristics have not changed much, except for a few small nice touches. Slightly larger dimensions, added a microUSB port to connect to the charger, side buttons new, eliminating accidental key in his pocket and a bag and a powerful speaker. Significant changes were the famous SOS button on the back of the phone. Now it is called "SuperKnopka" and decorated with original "blot» Just5; pressing this multifunction key allows access to the following options: Flight Mode, SOS, Jet Lag (quick setup time when changing time zones), Just Trip (navigation application that allows Remember the route through symbols-tips) and Hand Counter (manual count). Significant changes have affected the user interface. The menu structure has been completely rethought in terms of design and ergonomics, developed new fonts and design icon, the screen became brighter, improved readability. Especially for a new line of phones studio Bestinspace developed new "space" ringtones that were recorded using vintage analog synthesizers. In addition, the game appeared Just5 phones: it was the F1 Race - racing sports car, made ​​in the style of old-school video game consoles. The color scheme is the same: the classic white and black, purple Deep Space, Pink Pink Space, Orange Orange Space, lime Lime Space, Blue Menthol Space and includes all the colors at once Bestinspace. Through the use of new materials, colors, buildings look even brighter and glow in ultraviolet light. 

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