26 Mar 2013

To Sell Its New Z10 Phone, BlackBerry Bets Big On Real-Time Takeovers

When you’re betting the house, you don’t skimp on the marketing. That’s the approach BlackBerry has taken with its BlackBerry 10 operating system and its line of smartphones anchored on the Z10, which hit stores in the U.S. Friday. With great pressure to turn the company’s fortunes around, the company’s looked to innovative marketing to get its phone’s new features out there—and is betting big on tactics chief marketing officer Frank Boulben describes as “real-time marketing.”

BlackBerry will be there as millions of Americans tune in to March Madness—likely costing hundreds of millions of dollars in productivity—as the company will continue to air its “Keep Moving” television commercials; Boulben says commercials from carriers will hit TVs in the next couple of weeks.

But to pull off what Boulben has previously told FORBES is “the greatest comeback in tech history,” you need a lot more than a slick television spot. Since taking on that challenge in June, Boulben and his team have worked with agency BBDO and several digital agencies from within Publicis group like Razorfish on a more aggressive strategy, with tens of millions pumped into the campaign, which is built largely around several versions of a tactic known as the “takeover.”

How a mobile takeover ad of the Time Shift feature for the BlackBerry Z10 looks, from its U.K. campaign. (Image credit: BlackBerry)

These takeovers, piloted in the United Kingdom, will hit U.S. customers soon on computers and their non-Blackberry devices. BlackBerry built out two digital takeovers for desktop, first with The Guardian in the United Kingdom and now with the New York Times. “I think these are a world first,” Boulben says. Those takeovers fill your browser with ad that “takes over” your display, in this case designed to resemble the Hub feature that helps users organize their content on the new BlackBerry 10 devices. Users who see the New York Times takeover, for example, will see the takeover pull in content from the different verticals on the Times’ site feeds, its Facebook page and official tweets.

Android and iPhone users—and chances you are one, given those companies’ combined 85% market share—will also experience BlackBerry’s ad content in the form of mobile takeovers starting the week of March 25. Those mobile takeovers will fill your screen with what looks like a BlackBerry 10′s, demoing a specific feature like its photo “Time Shift” capability that allows you to scroll through several captured options for each face in a picture.

BlackBerry knows that it’s not enough simply to resell devices to its remaining brand die-hards; with 5.9% market share there are too few left for that to sustain the company formerly known as RIM.  Boulben is bullish about the BlackBerry 10’s competitiveness in regaining customers who left the brand. “The device is productivity oriented, but at the same time it’s a cool one because of some edgy features like Time Shift,” he says.

Before consumers can even weigh in on their taste for those features, Boulben faces the challenge of getting them in front of users who don’t associate BlackBerry with innovation. The marketer points to early results for the phone in the United Kingdom as a positive sign for the company’s odds to do so in the U.S.: users experiencing the mobile takeover there spend an average of 4.2 minutes engaging it, a long time for a piece of marketing content on mobile. BlackBerry says that of its strong sales in the U.K. since launching there at the end of January, one out of three buyers previously owned a non-BlackBerry device.

Boulben is gunning for iPhone and Android users in the U.S., too. “I expect [buyers coming from other platforms] to be a substantial minority of sales in every market and I don’t see why the U.S. would be any different,” Boulben says.

BlackBerry wants you to realize your iPhone thumbs can't keep up. (Image credit: BlackBerry)

One more tactic that BlackBerry hopes will get those users considering BlackBerry will be a keyboard challenge launching later this quarter. The challenge will encourage smartphone users to scan QR codes on digital banner ads and in print to upload the game, which pits you against the Z10 in a typing challenge. (Hint: BlackBerry’s paying for that on the bet that you’ll lose, badly.)

In its uphill battle to regain consumer perception as a major player, Boulben says a strong social media fan base will give the brand a boost: according to the CMO, the brand has a combined 30 million fans  on social networks and 18 million subscribed and reachable through email and other consumer relationship management (CRM) pushes. The company also offers a personalized demo on its flagship website that, with a user’s permission, pulls socially-shared data like music and Facebook contacts to give you a unique walk-through of BlackBerry 10 features.

For BlackBerry, there’s no safety net if these new marketing strategies fall on deaf ears and BlackBerry 10 can’t keep its share in the market and start ticking the needle back upward. Boulben’s confident his campaign will give the company its best shot at a positive takeover.


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