17 Nov 2012

"Beeline" improves network in the Moscow region

OJSC "VimpelCom" (brand "Beeline") announced the first results of a large-scale project on the technological development of the network and improve the quality of communication in the Moscow region. Since the beginning of 2012 the number of 2G base stations in the metropolitan area increased by 12%, the number of BS 3G - by 45%, and the network capacity increased by 40%. The plans of the technical directorate of "Beeline" - further improved coverage in order to provide services that meet the requirements of customers. To handle the increasing volumes of voice and packet traffic the company continues to upgrade the transport system: in 10 months, has built more than 300 km of fiber-optic lines in the Moscow region , found 20 pieces of equipment MEN, includes more than 100 channels to 10 GB. Today, more than 50% of the base stations in the region are connected to high-speed channels, each of these BS supports HSPA +, says operator. told technical director of the Moscow region OJSC "VimpelCom" Sergei Bauman, to the end, the majority of 3G base stations in the region will support the technology HSPA +, which allows you to get the speed up to 21 Mbit / s, parallel network upgraded for introduction of LTE. The company also said that the completion of the full range of planned activities will significantly improve the network reliability and quality of services. Already reduced the percentage of failed calls, the number of the connection breaks down by 25%, while the rate for mobile Internet subscribers increased by 15-20%.

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