24 Oct 2012

Summary Sales Apple iPhone 5, iPad, and other of its products

At the event on the announcement of the tablet iPad mini, Apple has summed up the results of sales of their products. For example, it is reported that during the first weekend since the release has sold more than 5 million smartphones iPhone 5 - it was named the fastest-selling phone in history. In addition, two weeks ago sold the 100 millionth tablet iPad, and the number of players on the world diverged iPod touch and iPod nano has reached 3 million.

Also there are outcomes that relate to software. Thus, in the App Store catalog has 700,000 applications for the operating system iOS, 275,000 of them are optimized for the iPad. All from the App Store has been made for 35 billion downloads. Plus, the 160 million accounts opened Game Center, iCloud was uploaded to 125 million documents, and the Shared Photo Stream - 70 million photos. Finally, the operating system iOS 6 has already been downloaded to more than 200 million devices.

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